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You are here : GEMACENFacilitiesEpitaxy and material elaborationMOCVD of II-VI semiconductors

MOCVD of II-VI semiconductors

GEMaC has two MOCVD (Metal Organic Chemical Vapor Deposition) growth systems devoted to the growth of structures based II/VI semiconductors.

Horizontal reactor (SAT)

Main characteristics of the system:
Sources :
    - Elements II: Zn, Mg, Cd
    - Eléments VI: N2O, O2, t-butanol
    - Doping: Al, Ga, Sb, NH3

Carrier gas: He, H2, Ar, N2
Pression : 30 torr → atmospheric pressure
Temperature : induction heating → 1000°C
Substrate size: up to 2×2"




Vertical reactor

Main characteristics of the system:
    - Elements II: Zn, Mg
    - Elements VI: N2O, t-butanol, Se, Te, S
    - Doping: Al, Ga
Carrier gas: He, H2, Ar, N2
Pressure: atmospheric
Temperature : heatinge RF → 1000°C
Subastrate size 1 to 2 cm2

Bâti MOCVD vertical