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You are here : GEMACENResearch teamsAxis 3 – Quantum nanophotonics

Axis 3 – Quantum nanophotonics

The activity of the Research axis 3 falls into the domain of quantum nanophotonics. We are first interested in nanosources of light:
- colloidal semiconductor nanocrystals based on CdSe, at the single object level or self-assembled into aggregates,
- colour centres in wide bandgap semiconductor nanostructures (ZnO, hBN, SiC),
- low dimensional hybrid perovskites.

We are also studying their coupling to photonic structures, in particular plasmonic structures, whose resonances are confined within a few nanometres.
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To investigate the (classical and quantum) optical properties of these various nanostructures, we combine complementary techniques of near-field optical microscopy as well as confocal microscopy (at room or cryogenic temperatures). These microscopes can be coupled to photon counting devices and spectrometers to obtain emission spectra (fluorescence) of the individual nano-objects studied in the far or near field.
Our experimental approach is completed by a modelling activity using the so-called “FDTD” method (for Finite Difference Time Domain).
QNP 2023
Team QNP
From left to right: Guillaume Quibeuf, Hien Phan, Aymeric Delteil, Trang Thi Huyen Nguyen, Clarisse Fournier, Jean-Pierre Hermier, Stéphanie Buil, Helmi Fartas, Domitille Gérard, Christophe Arnold

The quantum nanophotonics Christmas tree