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You are here : GEMACENFacilitiesEpitaxy and material elaborationALD for oxides

ALD for oxides

Growth reactor Atomic Layer Deposition (ALD) and CVD for functional oxides (Annealsys MC-050 DLI-CVD/ALD)

GEMaC laboratory develops an ALD growth reactor with liquid injection for the growth 2" of the functional oxide thin films.
The oxides currently under consideration are the references:
 - SrTiO3 as a perovskite substrate oxide
 - BiFeO3 as a multiferroïc film
for growth on silicium, germanium

Technical specifications

 - Miltiprocess capability: DLI-CVD, DLI-ALD, MO-CVD, RTP and RT-CVD
 - Oxidants: H2O / O3 & (O2) CVD
 - Surface treatment: H2 line
 - Direct injection liquid (up to 6 DLI vaporizers):
  • use of diluted chemical precursors (liquid or solid)
  • use of precursors with low vapor pressure (solid)
  • flash atomization & vaporization (a few ms)
  • sources at room temperature
Process chamber (cold wall reactor):
 - Rapid Thermal Annealing (RTA) up to 1100°C
 - Infrared halogen lamp heating
 - Atmosphere to 1e-3 mbar

This equipment was subsidized via « AXION » (Flagship LabEx NanoSaclay IDEX ParisSaclay) and « OGRAAL » (DIM Oxymore – région IdF) projects


Annealsys MC-050

Schematic representation of the reactor