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E-MRS Fall Meeting 2023 : Ultra-wide Bandgap Semiconductors Symposium
Next E-MRS meeting will take place from 18 to 21 September 2023.La prochaine conférence d'automne d'E-MRS se tiendra du 19 au 22 septembre prochain à Varsovie (Pologne). GEMaC research engineer E. Chikoidze coorganizes the symposium "Ultra wide bandgap semiconductors for energy and electronics (UWBS2E)". Submission deadline is 5th June.
from September 18, 2023 to September 21, 2023
18 to 21 September 2023 in Warsaw (Poland)
- 5 june 2023 : submission deadline
A l'Université Technologique de Varsovie (Pologne)
Hot topics to be covered:
UWBS2E Symposium will cover most recent aspects of the corresponding material research as well as emerging device components.We envisage contributions concerning materials:
- AlN and high-Al-content AlGaN; Ga2O3; Boron nitrides; Complex oxides (e.g. ZnGa2O4, MgZnO, AlGa2O4, etc), Complex nitrides (II-IV-nitrides, II-II-nitrides, etc.)
- Bulk crystal and thin film growth
- Defects Studies: Theory/Experiment
- Functionalization of defects
- Optical, electrical, magnetic, and thermal properties
- Device fabrication and performance